
共 10 条词语

  • 驷马难追

    sì mă nán zhuī


  • 风驰电赴

    fēng chí diàn fù


  • 电掣风驰

    diàn chè fēng chí


  • 风驰电掣

    fēng chí diàn chè

    风驰电掣像刮风、闪电那样。形容非常迅速。例一辆汽车从他面前风驰电掣般地驶过。英swift as the wind and quick as the lightning; come like a storm and flash like lightning;亦作“风驰电逝”、“风驰电赴”[查看详情]

  • 捷足先登

    jié zú xiān dēng

    捷足先登脚步快捷者最先登上高峰。比喻行事捷速能先人一步获得所求。例中原逐鹿,捷足先登。英beat; it's the early bird that catches the worm; the race is to the swiftest; the swift-footed arrive first;[查看详情]

  • 争先恐后

    zhēng xiān kǒng hòu

    争先恐后争着往前唯恐落后。例大家争先恐后地往车上挤。英rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;[查看详情]

  • 日行千里

    rì xíng qiān lǐ


  • 大步流星

    dà bù liú xīng

    大步流星形容步子迈得大,走得快。英at a stride; with vigorous strides;[查看详情]

  • 一目十行

    yī mù shí háng

    一目十行看书时一眼可以看十行。形容看书非常快。英read ten lines at a glance;[查看详情]

  • 兔起鹘落

    tù qǐ gǔ luò

    兔起鹘落兔一起动鹘就扑落下来。比喻动作迅速。亦比喻作画、书法、作文等下笔快、无停顿。英quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination; as the moment a hare is flushed out the falcon swoops down;[查看详情]