
共 9 条近义词

  • 当仁不让

    dāng rén bù ràng

    当仁不让当:面对。仁:正义之事。《论语卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后以“当仁不让”表示应做之事就应积极主动去做不能推托。例夫人臣依义显君竭忠彰主,行之美也,当仁不让。——《后汉书曹褒传》英not decline to shoulder a responsibility; in good cause do not lag[查看详情]

  • 刻不容缓

    kè bù róng huăn

    刻不容缓急迫之极一刻不能迟缓。例刻不容缓的任务。英allow of no delay; brook no delay; demand immediate action;[查看详情]

  • 在所不辞

    zài suǒ bù cí

    在所不辞坚决前往赴任毫不拒绝推诿。例纵然是粉身碎骨,也在所不辞。英will not refuse under any circumstances; never decline;[查看详情]

  • 谊不容辞

    yì bù róng cí


  • 理所当然

    lǐ suǒ dāng rán

    理所当然按道理应该如此。例就把来结识了这位大哥也是理所当然。——明冯梦龙《醒世恒言》英justifiably; a matter of course; as it ought to be; be both natural and right; it goes without saying; it is what propriety requires;[查看详情]

  • 责无旁贷

    zé wú páng dài


  • 疾恶如仇

    jí è rú chóu

    疾恶如仇憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样。英hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes; abhor evils as if they were personal enemies; hate the wicked as you do your enemies;[查看详情]

  • 义无反顾

    yì wú făn gù

    义无反顾高度的正义感或责任心不容许回溯到以前的时间或地点。英honour permits no turning back;从道义上讲只能勇往直前不能回顾、退缩。英be duty-bound not to turn back;[查看详情]

  • 见义勇为

    jiàn yì yǒng wéi

    见义勇为意识到是正义之举就大胆去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;[查看详情]