

研究生助教申请书范文 第1篇 我们这届MCIT项目的新生差不多有60多个,中国的同学占比还是很高的,还有少部分的韩国同学和美国同学,基本上都是从其他专业dual过来的。 据我对我们这届同学的了解,很多都并不是CS科班出身,还有一些同学具备丰富的工作经验,但大部分都是具备国…

研究生助教申请书范文 第1篇






很多同学对申请门槛比较好奇,我就顺便说一下这个问题。有人问过我申请这个项目的话,GPA只有分是不是不太稳。有一说一,分的话,的确是有点低的。但个人感觉MCIT这个项目对申请者的本科背景的包容能力还是很强的,录取的同学本科背景各部相同,能力也参差不齐,如果按照往年录取的情况去预估一个申请门槛,其实也未必会特别准确,不过GPA的确是招委会的一个审核参考成绩之一的。往年也有一些同学预估过申请门槛,个人感觉,如果你的成绩比统计的平均成绩低,但比cut off成绩高的话,也是可以尝试一下的,不过你要确保自己其他方面具备一定的竞争优势,突出你的长处,来弥补你的短板。不过如果你的成绩比cut off成绩还要低的话,那还是有些吃力的。

研究生助教申请书范文 第2篇


我:How Sienhua New and Tsu Way Shen Memorial Award helps me a lot in my transition to graduate study at UM

Three months after my accepting the award in September 2019, I finished my first semester’s graduate study. In retrospect, the award eases my financial burden a lot in many aspects and motivates me to keep going. The following is a summary of the major benefits of the award to my transition to graduate studies at UM and some future plans.

-General expenses such as housing, traveling to the United States (flight tickets);

-Costs related to attendance at professional conferences (I made an oral presentation at a conference named _The 19th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering_, in Shanghai, China, from October 19-21, 2019): international flight round ticket, accommodations, and conference registration fee, etc.

There are some potential costs in the future that I can expect: for the summer 2020 internship if the position itself is non-paid or little-paid. Also, I am looking forward to attending HFES annual meeting in Chicago in October 2020 (I joined Human Factors and Ergonomics Society as well as HFES UM Student Chapter to enrich my academic education and explore my interest). Those future events are very good complements to my graduate study at UM and beneficial to my career development.

I envision pursuing my field of interest (human factors and ergonomics, occupational safety and health), writing technically & publicly, gaining working experiences, getting certified, attending professional activities, and so on. Also, I keep in touch with professionals in China as well to see if I can help advance Chinese education or the public’s understanding of human factors and ergonomics, occupational safety and health, if possible. In a word, I try to be “leaders and innovators in their careers” just as the award description says.

Last but not least, great thanks again to the award donor(s) and related UM agencies. I feel very honored to be selected as the recipient.


我:My academic goal is to learn more knowledge about current technology, such as wearable devices and automated driving systems. A lot of current HFE research mentioned those new things. Also, I try to be exposed to more ergonomic evaluation/assessment tools to facilitate my study and research in the future.

Attending the HFES annual meeting gives me a golden opportunity for challenging and learning. I will present my research to the audience who are interested (if my proposal is selected by the committee). During the process, I will understand deeper about my research topic and learn more from others' ideas. Last but not least, in order to broaden my horizon and keep up with the academic trend, I will certainly take part in other activities held by the HFES Annual Meeting, such as facility tours, networking events, and those wonderful speeches.

一般300词以内,目标是为了bridge the gap btw CV and employer


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As an Industrial and Operations Engineering master's student at the University of Michigan (expected graduation: Apr. 2021), I apply for Health, Safety, and Environment Intern. With my academic background and project experiences in occupational safety and health, human factors and ergonomics, I am eager to apply my experience to ensure your company's workplace safety. My relevant experiences are as follows:


First, I did an ergonomic analysis of a job in a local food store at the University of Michigan. The main tasks included doing measurements with tape measures, collecting data from human subjects, and analyzing the job with SketchUp and MODAPTS. Based on qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation, I proposed some recommendations to increase the efficiency of workers, reduce their workload and improve customer service.

Second, I have done one project with team members, which involved workplace inspection and evaluation, namely measuring a lab's illumination and noise level at my undergraduate university in China. I was exposed to relevant measuring equipment and procedures, which can be applied in various industries. I also finished a team project about assessing the risk of a company's chemical production process both qualitatively and quantitively. I learned the whole procedure and various typical risk assessment methods through that project.

Third, I once worked as the principal investigator of a research project on ergonomics during my undergraduate years. Main tasks include preparing protocols, recruiting human subjects, conducting experiments, collecting data and analyzing them with ANOVA and linear regression. Finally, I published a research paper and made an oral presentation at a professional conference. My research and communication skills were improved.


I believe my background and experiences qualify me for this position. I hope to hear from you about the possibility of an interview. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email.



研究生助教申请书范文 第3篇

首先,相比美国公民或持有绿卡(永居)的学生, 面向国际学生的机会较少,这是事实。


申请”学费减免(tuition-waiver)“,不等于申请”州内学费(in-state tuition)“。正常的国际学生刚去美国读书,不能申请到便宜很多的州内学费(不排除有些公立大学允许你读一两年后申请;但是同样是公立的Umich是要你读了州内 美高,美本,贡献了几年学费,才有可能允许你申请以州内学费去读研究生)

最后,国际学生就读期间,都可以申请merit-based和research相关的奖助。特别是有些thesis-track MS(需要撰写毕业论文的研究型硕士)可以争取申请毕业论文研究相关的资助。但是,硕士不能申请那些只给博士生的”doctoral scholarship/fellowship“。

所以咯,同是国际学生,硕士生的奖助机会总体来说更少。所以,“用硕士的钱养博士”这句话就流传开了;至于本科学费也高,那是因为人家有完整几年的培养计划和各类环节(honors program,本科生科研机会等)。




