商务英语谈判对话范文 第1篇
A: Good morning! My name is John White, import manager of the Garden Trading Company in New York.
B: Oh, how do you do, Mr White? My name is Li Ming, here is my card.
A: Nice to meet you, Mr Li. We have learned about that you specialize in the export business of electronic products. As you enjoy the highest reputation in the commercial circle we'd be pleased to enter into business relations with your firm.
B: We shared the same desire. Have you seen the display of our products in the exhibition hall downstairs?
A: Yes. I had a look just now. I feel we can do a lot of business in this line.
B: Sure, we can. You know, we've been in this line for more than twenty years. And I think our price is competitive comparing with those in the world market.
A: Our company enjoys a history of more than twenty years. We have wide connection with wholesalers and retailers all over the America. And we have good reputation in the commercial circle.
B: Thank you for your information. We can hold more talks later on business details.
A: Sure.
A: 早上好!我是约翰?怀特,纽约加登贸易公司进出口部经理。
B: 您好, 怀特先生。我叫李明,这是我的名片。
A: 见到你很高兴,李先生。得知贵公司专门经营电子产品的出口业务。因贵公司在商业界有极高的信誉,我们很乐意与贵公司建立业务关系。
B: 我们也有同样的愿望。您看过楼下展厅里我们的电子产品的展示吗?
A: 是的,刚刚看过。我觉得我们在这方面有很多生意可以做。
B: 当然。您知道我们从事这个行业已二十多年了。我认为与世界市场上同类的产品相比,我们的价格是很有竞争力的。
A: 我们公司有二十多年的历史。与全美的批发商和零售商有着广泛的联系。在商界有很好的声誉。
B: 谢谢您的信息!有关生意细节方面的事情我们可以随后再谈。
A: 好的。
商务英语谈判对话范文 第2篇
're asking too much.
price you offer is too high. We can't accept it.
rates are in line with the world market.
prices fit in with today's market situation.
can't consider the price separately from the quality.
should take the quality into account.
have to take into consideration the quality of the goods.
take into account = take into consideration
is the best we can offer. We can't go any lower.
is our rock-bottom price, we can't make any further concessions.
商务英语谈判对话范文 第3篇
A: Hello, Mr Wang, nice to see you again. How are you?
B: Fine, thank you ,and you?
A: Im fine, we just moved in our new house. Everything is in a great mess. Its a nightmare. But ill appreciate not having to spend so much time commuting to my work every day.
B: Yes, it took me nearly one hour to get here today. Bus service in this area is not so good.
A: Well, will you like a cup of coffee?
B: Thank you, that would be nice.
A: Milk or sugar?
B: Black will do, thank you.
A: So, hows business in your section?
B: Not too bad. We have a lot of work to do as far as our contract George is concerned this time.
A: Then i think you can say a few words about that first.