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相关例句:He asked me for help, but I refused他求我帮忙,但我拒绝了。


英 [rfjuz , refjus] 美 [rfjuz , refjus]








Every human being is,in one way or another,unique.

Everyone’s personality is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Let us examine ten personality types(one of which might by chance be your very own) that result from the way culture, growth,family background, and environment interact with heredity.

And,of course,we begin not with the words,but with the ideas.

personality 美 /,ps’nlti/ n. 个性;品格;袭隐肢名人拍世, 复数 personalities

combination 美 /,kmb’nen/ n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学] 化合

genetic 美 /d’ntk/ adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的

factors 美 /’fktz/ n. 因素(factor的复数) v. 做代理商;分解…的因子;把…作为因素考虑(factor的第三人称单数)

interact 美 /,nt’kt/ vt. 互相影响;互相作用 vi. 互相影响;互相作用 n. 幕间剧;幕间休息

heredity英/h’redt/ n. 遗传,遗传性 复数 heredities


me first

Your attitude to life is simple,direct,and aboveboard–every decision you make is based on the answer to one question: What’s in it for me? If your selfishness, greed, and ruthless desire for self-advancement hurt other people,that’s too bad. This is a tough world, pal, dog eat dog and all that, and I, for one, am not going to be left behind!

—————————– An egoist

attitude 美 /’ttd; ttud/ n. 态度;看法;意见;姿势

aboveboard 美 /’bv’bord/ adv. 光明正大地;率直地 adj. 光明正大的;直率的

selfishness 美 /’slfns/ n. 自私自利;自我中心;任性

greed 美 /rid/ n. 贪婪,贪心

ruthless 美 /’rθls/ adj. 无情的,残忍的

desire 美 /d’za/ n. 欲望;要求,心愿;性欲 vt. 想要;要求;希望得到… vi. 渴望 n. (Desire)人名携谨;(刚(布)、英)德西雷

self-advancement 美 /,slfd’vnsmnt/ n. 自我发展;对自身利益的促进

tough 美 /tf/ adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的 n. 恶棍 vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐 adv. 强硬地,顽强地 n. (Tough)人名;(英)图赫

egoist 美 /’iost/ n. 自我主义者;利己主义者

2. the height of conceit

Now, let’s see. Have you heard about all the money I’m making? Did I tell you about my latest amorous conquest? Let me give you my opinion– I know, because I’m an expert at practically everything! You are boastful to the point of being obnoxious — you have only one string to your conversational violin,namely, yourself; and on it you play a number of monotonous variations: what you think, what you have done, how good you are, how you would solve the problems of the world,etc. ad nauseam.

—————————– An egotist

conceit 美 /kn’sit/ n. 自负;狂妄;幻想 vt. 幻想

amorous 美 /’mrs/ adj. 多情的;恋爱的;热情的;色情的

conquest 美 /’kkwst/ n. 征服,战胜;战利品 n. (Conquest)人名;(英)康奎斯特

practically 美 /’prktkli/ adv. 实际地;几乎;事实上

boastful 美 /’bostfl/ adj. 自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的

obnoxious 美 /b’nks/ adj. 讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的

string 美 /str/ n. 线,细绳;一串,一行 vt. 扎,缚;使排成一列,串起;伸展,拉直 vi. 连成一串;排成一列 n. (String)人名;(德)施特林;(瑞典)斯特林

conversational 美 /,knv’senl/ adj. (谈话的风格、用语等)非正式的,口语的;谈话的,会话的

violin 美 /,va’ln/ n. 小提琴;小提琴手 n. (Violin)人名;(意)维奥林

namely 美 /’nemli/ adv. 也就是;即是;换句话说

monotonous 美 /m’ntns/ adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的

variations 美 /,vr’en/ n. 变奏曲,变更;[生物] 变种(variation的复数形式)

ad nauseam 英 /,d’n:zim/ adv. 令人作呕地

egotist 英 /itst/ n. 自高自大者;言必称“我”者(形容词egotistic,副词egotistically)

3. let me help you

You have discovered the secret of true happiness–concerning yourself with the welfare of others. Never mind your own interests, how’s the next fellow getting along?

——————————– An altruist

concerning 美 /kn’sn/ prep. 关于;就…而言 v. 涉及;使关心(concern的ing形式);忧虑

welfare 美 /’wl’fr/ n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁 adj. 福利的;接受社会救济的

fellow 美 /’flo/ n. (非正式)男人,男孩,家伙;男朋友;同事,朋友;(某些学院或大学的)董事;(学术或专业团体的)会员;同类物;(接受奖学金的)研究生 adj. 同类的,同伴的,同事的,同道的 n. (Fellow) (美、英、印)费洛(人名)

altruist /’ltr,st/ n. 爱他主义者;利他主义者

4. leave me alone

Like a biochemist studying a colony of bacteria under the the microscope, you minutely examine your every thought, feeling, and action. Probing, futile questions like What do other people think of me?, How do I look? and Maybe I shouldn’t have said that? are your constant nagging companions, for you are unable to realize that other people do not spend as much time and energy analyzing you as you think.

You may seem unsocal, yet your greatest desire is to be liked and accepted. You may be shy and quiet, you are often moody and unhappy, and you perfer solitude or at most the company of one person to a crowd. You have an aptitude for creative work and are uncomfortable engaging in activities that require cooperation with other people. You may even be a genius, or eventually turn into one.

—————————– An introvert

biochemist 美 /’bao’kmst/ n. 生物化学家

colony 美 /’klni/ n. 殖民地;移民队

bacteria 美 /bk’tr/ n. [微] 细菌

microscope 美 /’makrskop/ n. 显微镜

minutely 美 /ma’nutli/ adv. 详细地;精密地 adj. 每分钟的

examine 美 /g’zmn/ vt. 检查;调查; 检测;考试 vi. 检查;调查

probing 美 /’prob/ v. 用手(或仪器)探查;调查, 探究;用探针探查(probe 的现在分词)adj. 追根究底的;仔细观察的 n. 探索,探查

futile 英 /’fjutal/ adj. 无用的;无效的;没有出息的;琐细的;不重要的

constant 美 /’knstnt/ adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的 n. [数] 常数;恒量 n. (Constant)人名;(德)康斯坦特

nagging 英 /’ng/ adj. 唠叨的;挑剔的;使人不得安宁的 n. 唠叨;挑剔 v. 唠叨(nag的ing形式)

companions n. 同伴;同事(companion的复数);伴随物 v. 陪伴;伴随(companion的三单形式)

analyzing 英 /’nlaz/ v. 分析,解析(analyze 的现在分词)

desire 英 /d’za/ n. 欲望;要求,心愿;性欲 vt. 想要;要求;希望得到… vi. 渴望 n. (Desire)人名;(刚(布)、英)德西雷

moody 英 /’mud/ adj. 喜怒无常的;易怒的;郁郁寡欢的 n. (Moody) (美、英、加、澳)穆迪(人名)

solitude 英 /’sltjud/ n. 孤独;隐居;荒僻的地方

crowd 英 /krad/ n. 人群;观众;(非正式)一伙人;众多 v. (一批人)(使)挤满;逼近(某人);聚集;(想法或观点)塞满脑子;催促(因而使人生气或不快)

aptitude 英 /’pttjud/ n. 天资;自然倾向;适宜

engaging 英 /n’ged; en-/ adj. 迷人的 v. 参加(engage的ing形式);保证;雇用

cooperation 英 /k,p’re()n/ n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力

genius 英 /’dins/ n. 天才,天赋;精神 复数 geniuses;genii

eventually 英 /’ventl/ adv. 最后,终于

introvert 英 /’ntrvt/ n. 内向的人;内翻的东西 v. 成为内弯;使内弯,使内倾 adj. 内向的;内弯的

5. let’s do it together

You would be great as a teacher, counselor, administrator, insurance agent. You can always become interested — sincerely, vitally interested –in other people’s problems. You’re the life of the party, because you never worry about the effect of your actions, never inhibit yourself with doubts about dignity or propriety. You are usually happy, generally full of high spirits; you love to be with people–lots of people.Your thoughts,you interests, your whole personality are turned outward.

—————————– An extrovert

counselor 美 /’kansl/ n. 顾问;法律顾问;参事(等于counsellor)

administrator 英 /d’mnstret/ n. 管理人;行政官

insurance 英 /n’r()ns/ n. 保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金

sincerely 英 /sn’sl/ adv. 真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地

vitally 英 /vatli/ adv. 极其;紧要地;生死攸关地

inhibit 英 /n’hbt/ vt. 抑制;禁止

doubts 英 /dat/ n. 怀疑;疑问;疑惑 v. 怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准

dignity 英 /’dgnt/ n. 尊严;高贵 复数 dignities

propriety 英 /pr’prt/ n. 适当;礼节;得体 复数 proprieties

spirits 美 /’sprts/ n. 态度(spirit的复数);精力 v. 使振作(spirit的第三人称单数形式)

extrovert 英 /’ekstrvt/ n. 外向;外倾者;性格外向者(等于extravert)

6. neither extreme

You have both introverted and extroverted tendencies — at different times and on different occasions. Your interests are turned, in about equal proportions, both inward and outward. Indeed, you’re quite normal– in the sense that your personality is like that of most people.

—————————– An ambivert

extreme 英 /k’strim; ek-/ adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的 n. 极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物

tendencies 趋势

occasions n. 场合;机会(occasion的复数);理由 v. 致使;引起(occasion的第三人称单数)

proportions /pr’p:ns/ n. [数] 比例;大小(proportion的复数形式)

Indeed 英 /n’did/ adv. 的确;实在;真正地;甚至 int. 真的(表示惊讶、怀疑、讽刺等)

sense 英 /sens/ n. 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智 vt. 感觉到;检测 n. (Sense)人名;(英)森斯

ambivert /’mbvt/ n. 既外向又内向的人;中间性格者

7. people are no damn good

Cynical, embittered, suspicious, you hate every one.( Especially, but never to be admitted, yourself?) The perfectibility of the human race? Nonsense! No way! The stupidity, the meanness, and the crookedness of most mortals(Most? Probably all!) –that is your favorite theme.

——————————- A misanthrope

damn 英 /dm/ int. (表示生气或失望)该死;(表示赞叹或惊奇)天啊 adv. (尤指生气时)非常 adj. (非正式,表示厌烦)可恶的;(非正式,强调不好的事)十足的 v. 谴责;令(某人)下地狱;诅咒 n. 一点;诅咒

Cynical 英 /’snk()l/ adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的

embittered /im’bitd/ adj. 愤怒的;怨恨的 v. 使痛苦(embitter的过去分词)

suspicious 英 /s’sps/ adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的

admitted 英 /d’mtd/ adj. 公认的;被承认了的 v. 承认(admit的过去分词)

perfectibility /,pfekt’biliti/ n. 完全性;可改善性;可完美性

human race 人类

Nonsense 英 /’nns()ns/ n. 胡说;废话 adj. 荒谬的 int. 胡说!

stupidity 英 /st’pdt; stu’pdt; stj’pdt; stju’pdt/ n. 愚蠢;糊涂事 复数 stupidities

meanness /’mi:nnis/ n. 卑鄙;吝啬;劣等

crookedness /’krukidnis/ n. 弯曲;不诚实

mortals 凡人 人类( mortal的复数

misanthrope 英 /’mz()nθrp; ms-/ n. 不愿与人来往者;厌恶人类的人

8. women are no damn good

Sometime in your dim past, you were crossed, scorned, or deeply wounded by a woman( a mother, or mother figure, perhaps?). So now you have a carefully constructed defense against further hurt–you hat all women.

————————— A misogynist

dim 英 /dm/ adj. 暗淡的,昏暗的;模糊的,看不清的;悲观的,怀疑的 vt. 使暗淡,使失去光泽;使变模糊 vi. 变模糊,变暗淡 n. 笨蛋,傻子n. (Dim)人名;(俄)季姆;(柬)丁 比较级 dimmer最高级 dimmest过去式 dimmed过去分词 dimmed现在分词 dimming

scorned adj. 鄙视的,轻蔑的 v. 轻蔑,嘲笑;轻蔑地拒绝;不屑于做(scorn 的过去式和过去分词)

wounded 英 /’wundd/ adj. 受伤的 n. 受伤者,伤员 v. 使受伤(wound的过去分词)

mother figure 慈母般的人;母亲的化身

constructed vt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct的过去分词)

defense 英 /d’fens/ n. 防卫,防护;防御措施;防守 vt. 谋划抵御

misogynist 美 /m’sdnst/ n. 厌恶女人的人

9. marriage is an institution — and who wants to live in an institution?

You will not make the ultimate legal commitment.Members of the opposite sex are great as lovers, roommates, apartment- or house-sharers, but not as lawfully wedded spouses. The ties that bind are too binding for you. You may possible believe, and possible, for yourself, be right, that a commitment is deeper and more meaningful if freedom is available without judicial proceedings.

——————————- A misogamist

institution 英 /nst’tju()n/ n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗

ultimate 英 /’ltmt/ adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 n. 终极;根本;基本原则

commitment 英 /k’mtm()nt/ n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身

opposite 英 /’pzt; -st/ adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的 n. 对立面;反义词 prep. 在…的对面 adv. 在对面

roommates n. 室友(roommate的复数形式)

apartment 英 /’ptm()nt/ n. 公寓;房间

sharers /’r/ n. 分配者;共同收受者;参与分配或分红者 n. (Sharer)人名;(英)沙雷尔

lawfully 美 /’lfli/ adv. 合法地;守法地

spouses 英 /’spasz/ 配偶

ties 英 /taiz/ n. 结 v. 绑;连结

meaningful 英 /’minfl; -f()l/ adj. 有意义的;意味深长的

judicial 英 /du’d()l/ adj. 公正的,明断的;法庭的;审判上的

proceedings 英 /pr’sidz/ n. 诉讼;行动(proceeding的复数形式);会议记录;议程

misogamist /mi’smist, mai-/ n. 厌恶结婚的人

10. … that the flesh is heir to …

Self-denial, austerity,lonely contemplation — these are the characteristics of the good life, so you claim. The simplest food and the least amount of it that will keep body and soul together, combined with abstinence from fleshly, earthly pleasures, will eventually lead to spiritual perfection– that is your philosophy.

——————————- An ascetic

flesh 英 /fle/ n. 肉;肉体 vt. 喂肉给…;使发胖 vi. 长胖 n. (Flesh)人名;(英)弗莱什

denial 英 /d’na()l/ n. 否认;拒绝;节制;背弃

austerity 英 /’stert; -/ n. 紧缩;朴素;苦行;严厉 复数 austerities

lonely 英 /’lnl/ adj. 寂寞的;偏僻的 n. 孤独者 比较级 lonelier最高级 loneliest

contemplation 英 /,kntem’ple()n/ n. 沉思;注视;意图

characteristics 英 /,krkt’rstks/ n. 特性,特征;特色(characteristic的复数);特质

claim 英 /klem/ v. 宣称;要求,索取;引起(注意);获得;夺去(生命);索赔(钱财);需要 n. 声称;(财产等)所有权;(向公司等)索赔;专利新特征申明;要求(权利);(取得的)采矿地;索要

abstinence 英 /’bstnns/ n. 节制;节欲;戒酒;禁食

fleshly 英 /’flel/ adj. 肉体的;肉欲的;耽于声色的 比较级 fleshlier最高级 fleshliest

earthly 英 /’θl/ adj. 地球的;尘世的;可能的 比较级 earthlier最高级 earthliest

pleasures /’pl/ n. 愉快;乐事(pleasure的复数) v. 使高兴;觉得高兴;外出玩乐(pleasure的三单形式)

eventually 英 /’ventl/ adv. 最后,终于

spiritual 英 /’sprtl; -tjl/ adj. 精神的,心灵的;宗教的;(人)高尚的 n. 圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的)

perfection 英 /p’fek()n/ n. 完善;完美

philosophy 英 /f’lsf/ n. 哲学;哲理;人生观 复数 philosophies

ascetic 英 /’setk/ adj. 苦行的;禁欲主义的 n. 苦行者;禁欲者


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