freetalk话题范文 第1篇
·今日话题: Secret love
Were you a secret admirer for someone?
How was your feeling?
How do you think about secret love?
What is real love in your opinion?
·今日话题: 写博客
Do you have your own blog?
How do you think about writing the blog?
What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?
Do you think people should write private things in the blog?
Do you have pressure for life and work?
freetalk话题范文 第2篇
Personal experience
Have you ever been in a place whose people and custom are unfamiliar to you? What’s your feeling? What will you do to adapt to the new life?
My father went back home the noon we arrive Handan . Excitement, depression and fear were filled with my heart. The first difficulty in front me is my Common Spoken Chinese is so poor that I can’t tell “蓝天” and “南方” apart ,can’t read “李宁” correctly ,etc. as a consequence of my dialect, I simply can’t make myself understood, which frustrate me deeply. To be a English major, what’s worse, I find I a bit more harder to pronounce many words. In our intensive reading class, I felt ashamed of myself because of others’ empty impression and laugher. All those had am impact on me, I regretted to go out my province, come to north and major in English. Nevertheless, fact is fact, it’s unchangeable. From now on, I made up my mind to improve my English as well as common spoken Chinese. I asked my roommates and friends to correct me if there is a mistake from time from, in spite of the fact of the fact that they were sometimes impatient. To my happiness, I made some progress, I owe it to them who helped me. But I know I still have a long way to go. And I hope you all will help me continuously.
freetalk话题范文 第3篇
freetalk话题范文 第4篇
freetalk话题范文 第5篇
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the topicStudying Abroad. You should write at least 120words following the outline given below:
Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying astriking popularity among adolescents. Importanceshould be attached to studying abroad.
There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living andstudying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus,international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries andareas and are exposed to diverse ideas and values. What is more, overseas experience is thebest opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity toimprove second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken.
Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhapspainful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseasstudents can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never , overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to thegrowth of adolescents.
freetalk话题范文 第6篇
夜深人静的时候,我托着腮,静静地看着窗外,脑海里幻想着考上大学的情景——高考时,我考了高分,十几张录取通知书摆在我眼前,我不知选哪张好。终极我选择了北京清华大学。报名当天,身高已是米的我迫不及待的来到清华校门口。OH MY GAD!这那是大学,完全是宫殿,有喷水池、花园、花草树木到处都是,还有高大的教学楼、实验楼、图书馆......唉,真让我目不暇接。教室有放影机、电脑、空调、饮水机,每个学生还配有一台笔记本电脑,简直太舒服了。参观完我的大学,我急忙往看即将教我大学的老师,他戴着眼镜,一副很深沉的样子......
freetalk话题范文 第7篇
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Information Security. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 信息安全问题日益重要
2. 信息安全事故可能导致的危害
3. 如何做到信息安全
Information Security
The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops increasingly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.
In case of information breach, the victims — a government department, an organization or an institution, or a company, will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public’s and users? confidence will be damaged.
Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combining prevention and detection techniques.
freetalk话题范文 第8篇
· 今日话题: Secret love
Were you a secret admirer for someone?
How was your feeling?
How do you think about secret love?
What is real love in your opinion?
· 今日话题: 写博客
Do you have your own blog?
How do you think about writing the blog?
What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?
Do you think people should write private things in the blog?
· 今日话题:减压
Do you have pressure for life and work?
freetalk话题范文 第9篇
Some people think that the university should pvide graduates with the knowledge and skills they need for their jobs. Others think that the real function of a university should be to expose students to knowledge for their own benefit, regardless of whether the cose is useful to an employee or not. In yo opinion, it should be the main function of the University It is good that research, business and academia share as much information as possible.
Others beli that some information is too important or valuable to share freely. Some people say that the only reason to learn a forei language is to travel or work in a forei country. Others say that's not the only reason people learn a forei language.
Talk about both ideas and give yo own.
freetalk话题范文 第10篇
In the end, in a word, at the same time, on the whole, I think 8. On the other hand, I think it should be charged becse they need money to pay gardeners and other workers to buy plants Things and saplings "," parks should not want / accept / accept admission fees "," public parks should be free "," parks are places where people can rest and be free "," people need a place to rest and enjoy "need a place to have fun 5: think that fees should be charged, becse they need money to pay workers' wages, mergers and acquisitions Buy saplings "H" "n" "t" "F" "R" "V" 2.
freetalk话题范文 第11篇
Later, I slowly found that not only did I have no , but also my bthers and sisters. I see that not only my is limited, but also the of all who look like me. That is, when I joined the ANC, when the desire for my own became a stnger desire for the of my people, the chain of any one of my people was the chain of all of them, the chain of all my people It's my chain.
It is in these long and lonely years that my desire for the of my people has become the desire for for all. I know that when I leave pson, the oppressor and the oppressed will be liberated. This is my mission.
Some people say that it has been realized now, but I know that it is not So. The fact is, we have not been free yet. We have only gained the of and the ght not to be oppressed.
We have not taken the last step of o joney, but the first step on a longer and difficult ad. I took the long ad to . I ted not to let myself falter.
I made mistakes along the way, but I found a secret: climb up After a big mountain, you will find that there are mountains to climb. I have a rest here for a while, peeking at the maificent scenery aund me, looking back on the joney I have traveled, but I can only rest for a moment, becse with , responsibility comes, I dare not stay, becse my long joney is not over.
freetalk话题范文 第12篇
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Issues on Weight Reducing. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 现在肥胖现象比较严重
2. 不科学的减肥可能导致的`危害
3. 我对减肥的看法
Issues on Weight Reducing
Nowadays the people are enjoying a more comfortable life and many people are suffering from obesity. Thus, losing weight becomes very popular.
However, weight reducing is a tricky topic. Some people lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures. This will not help them lose weight since they usually gain back all (and often more) of the pounds they lost because they haven’t permanently changed their habits. What’s worse, sometimes these extreme measures will affect the individual’s health.
In my view, before one decides to lose weight, he first of all should make it clear whether he should or not lose weight. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian. He or she can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you would benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions which are widely accepted by weight reducing experts to get it started.
freetalk话题范文 第13篇
浅谈小学英语教学中“free talk”的作用
【摘 要】Free talk让学生自由对话,把英语知识和技能与生活实际结合起来,在活动和交往中学习英语。3-5分钟的“Free Talk”,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力,从而更好地适应英语新课程标准的要求。这样做的作用具体有哪些呢?下面笔者结合自己教学实践中运用Free talk的体验,将对其作用的认识总结出来,与各位同仁交流。
【关键词】 小学英语 Free talk 作用
英语教学的最终目的是培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力,也即综合运用语言的能力。由于教师因循传统的英语教学模式,加之农村学校英语教学设施简陋,教师对新大纲提出的口语教学并未真正地落到实处,使得农村学生英语口语表达相对薄弱。语言学习的成功在于将学生放在一个需要交际的环境之中,但是我们的学生接触真实英语交际情景的机会非常有限。因此作为一名语言的传授者,我们应努力地为学生创设这样的环境。笔者在每堂课的开端设计一些针对性较强的“Free Talk”,创设情境,让学生们自由发挥,畅所欲言,不失为提高运用英语综合能力的一种好方法。
Free talk让学生自由对话,把英语知识和技能与生活实际结合起来,在活动和交往中学习英语。3-5分钟的“Free Talk”,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力,从而更好地适应英语新课程标准的要求。这样做的作用具体有哪些呢?下面笔者结合自己教学实践中运用Free talk的体验,将对其作用的认识总结出来,与各位同仁交流。
freetalk话题范文 第14篇
各位参与军训工作的老师们,你们时时处处在关心和呵护着我们的学生。你们的精神在带动和影响着学生,是你们默默无闻的工作给我们军训工作以强有力的保障,你们舍小家,为大家,这种无私地奉献的精神值得我们全体师生学习。 同学们,经过短短一周的军训,你们提高了国防意识,增强了吃苦精神,养成了雷厉风行的作风,磨炼了意志,健康了体魄,取得了优异的成绩。在训练中,老师们看到了你们飒爽的英姿,看到了你们百倍的精神,也看到了你们坚定的步伐和成长的欢欣,我们感到非常高兴。你们在军训中做到了一切行动听指挥,严格要求,严格训练,真正发扬了“流血流汗不流泪,掉皮掉肉不掉队”的精神,达到了军事训练的目标。为此,我代表学校对你们取得的优秀成绩表示热烈的祝贺!
freetalk话题范文 第15篇
二年级下册 Free talk 模板
Hello!(Good morning/Good afternoon) My name is( Micky). I’m( ten) years old. I like food and drink. I like fruits too.
I like (apples) and (pineapples). My mother likes (kiwi fruits). And you?
Hello!(Good morning/Good afternoon) My name is(Pooh). I’m( ten) years old. I like food and drink. I like vegetables too. I like tomatoes.
My mother likes potatoes. What do you like?
Hello!(Good morning/Good afternoon) My name is( Nini). I’m( ten) years old.
I have many school things。 There are (five pens) . And there are (there erasers). And you?
freetalk话题范文 第16篇
most of us today (recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem . lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air .many fish die of poisonous water . thousandsof people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas . therefore ,environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling ,or bringing death not only to human beings ,but also to wild life .)from above ,we can find that the reasons why (environment are polluted more and more seriously) are as follows.
the primary reason ,I think , is (the reason of harmful substances into environment . for example ,to prevent insects ,farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests . however ,they pollute air ,water and land ).second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly ).the third reason actually is (the result of a growing population in the world . everyday , so much litter and waste are poured out from houses ,also pollute the environment ).the significance for (controlling pollution ) noted that it's high time that more effective measures should be taken .therefore ,(new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories . moreover ,in the households ,there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste . let's make our good efforts ,and the world will be a safer place to live for us ).
(I)说明原因型 模块(4)
These days we often hear that ( 1 ).
It is common that ( 2 ).
Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social
protects? For one thing ,( 3 ).
For another,( 4 ). What is more,since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).
To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthtrying .We should do something such as ( 7 )to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future .
freetalk话题范文 第17篇
Nowadays, there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合]. It is estimated that [相关数据]. Why have there been so many [某种现象]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [原因一]. Besides, [原因二]. The third one is [原因三]. To sum up, the main cause of [某种现象] is due to [最主要原因]. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一]. On the other hand, [解决办法二]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [某种现象].
Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ,( 6 ).On the other hand ,( 7 ). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX .
(1)用具体数据说明XX现象(2)原因一(3)原因二(4)原因三(5)指出主要原因(6)解决建议一 (7)解决建议二
Generation gap between parents and children
Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned).
Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations,having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don't spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) .
It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ).On the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap .
In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on ( 1 ).The factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Then , there comes a case that ( 4 ). Moreover , ( 5 ) . Especially when ( 6 ) .Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that ( 7 ).In this way ,we should behave just like
The impact of Television.
In recent years , with the development of science and technology ,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV , offering as many as 50 channels .It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children ). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children.
The factors for (parents' worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choose from , children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then , there comes a case that ( some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ).
Moreover , ( the effect on children's minds are more serious than the effect on children's bodies ) . Especially when ( the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them ) .
Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that ( they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children's TV viewing ).In this way ,children will not be influented too deeply .
For most of us today ,(1).From above ,we can find that the reasons why (2) are as primary reason ,i think, is (3).Second,(4).The third reason, actually ,is (5).The significance for (6)Therefore ,(7).My advice
(1)人们针对XX的态度和举措(2)归纳现状(3)第一个原因(4)第二个原因(5)第三个原因 (6)重申造成现状的最重要原因(7)我的建议
most of us today (recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem . lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air .many fish die of poisonous water . thousandsof people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas . therefore ,environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling ,or bringing death not only to human beings ,but also to wild life .)from above ,we can find that the reasons why (environment are polluted more and more seriously) are as follows.
the primary reason ,I think , is (the reason of harmful substances into environment . for example ,to prevent insects ,farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests . however ,they pollute air ,water and land ).second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly ).the third reason actually is (the result of a growing population in the world . everyday , so much litter and waste are poured out from houses ,also pollute the environment ).the significance for (controlling pollution ) noted that it's high time that more effective measures should be taken .therefore ,(new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories . moreover ,in the households ,there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste . let's make our good efforts ,and the world will be a safer place to live for us ).
These days we often hear that ( 1 ).It is common that ( 2 )Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,( 3 ).For another,( 4 ). What is more,since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthtrying .We should do something such as ( 7 )to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future .
pollution of environment
These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed .).
Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded. ).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ). What is more , since ( the industrial revolution ) ,it is natural that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms .The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment ).
To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthying .We should do something such as (planting more trees , equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future.
freetalk话题范文 第18篇
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic SocialPractice of College Students. You should write atleast 120 words, and base your composition on theoutline below:
Social Practice of College Students
Nowadays a large number of and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During theholidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, ortake part in other practical activities alike. It is obvious that social practice is playing anincreasingly essential role in China’s college education.
Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they areprovided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. What is more, insocial practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to thepractical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helpsstrengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.
Considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate insocial practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, somestudents spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Hence, weshould try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.
freetalk话题范文 第19篇
Good afternoon, everyone, today the topic of my free talk is about the journey in Japan. Now let’s begin. As is well known for us, Japan is an island country located outside the east coast of Asia. The official language is Japanese.
And the journey in Japan I will talk about includes four aspects: the first is The Capital of Japan; the second is Disney Theme Park; the third is Traditional Food of Japan; the forth is the Japan’s Natural Landscape. First, I will take you to Tokyo to have a taste of what its views of the modern city.
freetalk话题范文 第20篇
favourite author
My favourite author is Ernest Miller Hemingway.
He was a great author.
He was from American
He was born in Chicago.
His achievements influenced 20th-century fiction.
Hemingway is famous for The Old Man And The Sea.
He wrote this book in Cuba in 1951.
He won the Nobel Prize because of this book.
The book tells us not to give up.
He committed suicide in the summer of 1961.
favourite book
My favourite book is The Old Man And The Sea.
This is an interesting book.
freetalk话题范文 第21篇
Here are two pictures, both interesting but with sharply contrasted implication. As is vividly depicted in the first photo, a man is fishing with a traditional fishing rod. On the contrary, the second picture describes that the other boy is fishing with an improved fishing rod, which completes the contrast of the two pictures. Apparently, what the two drawings have subtly conveyed by their striking contrast is supposed to be given further analysis.
A conclusion could be drawn from the picture: innovation plays a vital role in our life. And my words are based upon the following two reasons. On the top of the list is that the modern society calls for innovation, which is the incentive of social improvement. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that human are curious about new things, and that is the inner motivation of human.
According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to encourage innovation. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the work and it could make the general public realize the significance of innovation.
freetalk话题范文 第22篇
I know what you're thinking. You think I've lost my way, and somebody's going to come on the stage in a minute and guide me gently back to my seat. (Applause) I get that all the time in Dubai. "Here on holiday are you, dear?" (Laughter) "Come to visit the children? How long are you staying?"
Well actually, I hope for a while longer yet. I have been living and teaching in the Gulf for over 30 years. (Applause) And in that time, I have seen a lot of changes. Now that statistic is quite shocking. And I want to talk to you today about language loss and the globalization of English. I want to tell you about my friend who was teaching English to adults in Abu Dhabi. And one fine day, she decided to take them into the garden to teach them some nature vocabulary. But it was she who ended up learning all the Arabic words for the local plants, as well as their uses -- medicinal uses, cosmetics, cooking, herbal. How did those students get all that knowledge? Of course, from their grandparents and even their great-grandparents. It's not necessary to tell you how important it is to be able to communicate across generations.